As you probably already know, we love our region and our artisans. This is why we decided to collaborate with cabinetmaker Luc Warth, so that his works can be exhibited and sold in our online store,

Luc warth, cabinetmaker

True French artisanal know-how!

Luc Warth has been putting all his know-how and experience in cabinetmaking at the service of individuals and small businesses for over 30 years. Every day in his small workshop, he designs and creates personalized pieces (wooden candlesticks, decorative objects, etc.).

With patience and attention to detail, the craftsman knows how to extract the quintessence of the woods used to create these works and enhance them. This long-term work, sometimes lasting several hours per piece, reflects the precision and quality of Luc Warth's work. This sensitivity allows him to create unique pieces that are all different. The wood species used come either from scraps or from wood stumps, hence the different shades of colors and smells that we find in these artisanal candlesticks and remarkable decorative objects.

It is through this common passion that we have chosen to work with this artisan and thus offer you these creations at cost price. Indeed, all sales will be directly donated to Luc Warth.

Favorite, or gift idea? Don't forget that each piece is unique and only available in one copy, so jump at the opportunity, there won't be something for everyone!

Update February 2023: Thank you all! We have sold all of Luc Warth's wooden candlesticks.

With us, support local crafts!