See the list of ingredients

After a simple recipe for clamshell pebbles, we offer you an easy and quick recipe to make creamy wax melts that will perfume your interior with delicious fragrances.

You will only need 4 ingredients to concoct these wonders : natural coconut oil, the fragrance of your choice, a metal or aluminum box, and bronze mica to add the colorful touch. Follow our video and written tutorial to gradually discover how to make these creamy creations that will brighten up your senses and perfume your home.

Discover how to make creamy pebbles in video

What ingredients do you need?

You will need 4 ingredients :

  • Natural coconut oil
  • The fragrance of your choice
  • A metal or aluminum box
  • Mica Bronze

Creamy Wax Melt Step-by-Step Recipe

1. Start by melting approximately 50% of Professional Soy Wax for container candles (C3).

2. Add more or less 40% coconut oil to your wax melt.

3. Then, incorporate at least 10% of perfume into the wax. For example, if you use 100g of wax, add 10ml of perfume. Mix everything so that the perfume is well distributed.

4. Color your mixture by adding your Mica and stir thoroughly.

5. Finally, carefully pour the colored mixtures into the containers and let them harden. Using the heat gun can speed up the process.


And there you have it, you now have all the keys in hand to make magnificent, creamy scented wax melts yourself! Thanks to this quick and easy recipe, you will be able to create unique scented pebbles. Don’t hesitate to vary the fragrances and colors to further personalize your creations.

We hope that you will enjoy following our tutorial and that you will be proud of your achievements. What would you say about one last fondant recipe?