Guides and Recipes

Our blog is your go-to source for inspiring advice and easy-to-follow tutorials for those new to home fragrance creation. Explore creative ideas for personalising your creations, learn professional techniques, and find inspiration to bring your projects to life, free of charge.

Cire végétale en copeaux dans une cuillère en bois
Using Wax: Potential Difficulties

Learn how to overcome common challenges in making soy wax candles. Issues like frosting, moisture spots, rough surfaces, and cracks.

Cire de soja végétale en copeaux et en bloc
Soy wax reveals its secrets to you

Explore the many benefits of soy vegetable wax for making scented candles.

Bougie coulée en cire végétale à côté d'un pot de lavande
Everything you need to know about Candle Waxes - Guide

Find out everything you need to know about the different types of candle wax and their uses to make your craft creations a success.

Plan de travail avec une noix de coco remplie de cire végétale et des bougies
Learn DIY Candle Making - Guides

Discover the art of creating homemade candles, a hobby that has become very popular with the DIY movement and interior design trends.

Bougie coulée dans un contenant en verre posée sur un drap entourée de brins de lavande
How to extend the burning time of a candle?

Candles create a warm atmosphere, but they often burn out too quickly. Fortunately, there are tricks to extend their life.

Plan de travail marbré avec des éléments de créations de bougies : mèches cirées montées sur support et de la cire végétale
Choosing your wick to make candles

The wick is a crucial element in making a candle, ensuring optimal performance by carrying heat from the flame to the wax to fuel combustion.

Plusieurs bougies en contenants réalisées avec de la cire d'olive
Everything you need to know about Candle Wicks - Guide

The wick is essential to candle making, acting as the heart of the combustion by drawing in liquid wax to fuel the flame.

Cire de coco végétale fondue puis coulée et en grains à côté d'une noix de coco
Getting rid of wax stains on fabric, furniture or your glasses

Candle wax can build up on our furniture, but don't panic! With these tried and true tips, you can quickly clean up stubborn wax and save your home.

Un couple se tient la main entouré d'un verre de vin, d'une bougie parfumée et d'une rose rouge
Creating a massage candle for a sweet moment for two

The practice of candle massage, thanks to its physical and psychological benefits, is becoming more and more popular.

Création de bougies moulées en coulant la cire fondue dans le moule en silicone
Easily make your own molded candle

Do you prefer to make molded candles? You are in the right place ! Liquid wax is poured into molds to create candles in various shapes.

Socle en céramique avec une bougie coulée parfumée posée sur un plan de travail marbré
Make your first artisanal scented candles

Learn how to make DIY scented candles with this beginner-friendly roundup article.

Noix de coco remplie de cire végétale à côté d'une bougie de soja
Tutorials and recipes for making homemade candles

Homemade candle making has become more accessible with the popularity of DIY. To help you get started, we offer simple recipes and tutorial videos.

Bougies moulées et colorées en bleu et en rose
The different types of candle dyes and their uses

To personalize your DIY candles, opt for grain dyes, liquid dyes or even marbling paints. Customize as much as you want and create unique candles!

Bougie de soja coulée avec des fleurs séchées et une mèche en bois
Everything you need to know about personalizing candles - Guide

Learn how to customize your candles to create a unique decoration. Explore the choice of containers, the use of molds, and the various types of dyes.

Bougie coulée dans un contenant en verre sur un socle en bois à côté de brins de lavande
List of recurring wick problems and their simple solutions

Learn how to fix common problems with candle wicks.

Plan de travail avec cire végétale et bougie parfumée
Easily prepare and incorporate your wick into your scented candle

Once you have chosen your candle wick, it is essential to know how to use it correctly for optimal combustion.

Noix de coco remplie de cire de soja
How to choose which candle mold to buy?

Choosing the right mold is essential to personalizing your candles.

Recyclage d'une bougie parfumée en réutilisant une ancienne bougie
Reuse leftover wax from my candle in 8 steps

At a time when environmental protection and recycling are essential, reusing leftover wax to create new candles is an excellent initiative.