Light on the crisis in Ukraine

Since February 2022, a war has broken out in Ukraine . Its consequences on our daily lives but also on Europe as a whole worry us and particularly affect us.

The entire country is affected, but it is the east of the country that is most deeply affected by this conflict. Most of the women and children have fled while many are still fighting to save the country. The population remaining near the front lines like in Mariupol faces a clear lack of food, drinking water as well as basic resources such as heating or electricity. But the lack of electricity is plunging the population into darkness and it is precisely in this specific need that we provide our help.

Candles against the lack of electricity in homes affected by the war

In order to deal with these electricity problems in homes, we are going to send 750 kilos of raw candles ready for use with the help of PromoUkraïna for the Ukrainian population so that they can light up and thus allow them to carry out the most important nighttime domestic tasks .

We therefore organized all the logistics to ensure that our donation arrived in Ukraine.

A little reminder about our products

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that in the face of this unprecedented situation, delivery times for some of our products from our suppliers have lengthened considerably due to a shortage of raw materials which affects the entire production chain of the latter as well as our waxes for example. We therefore once again apologize for these inconveniences and we are doing everything possible to remedy this delicate situation as quickly as possible. We thank you for your patience.