Guides and Recipes

Our blog is your go-to source for inspiring advice and easy-to-follow tutorials for those new to home fragrance creation. Explore creative ideas for personalising your creations, learn professional techniques, and find inspiration to bring your projects to life, free of charge.

Concevoir son diffuseur voiture : ce que vous devez savoir
Designing your car diffuser: what you need to know

Learn how to design your diffuser to perfume your vehicle with our Grasse scents.

Apprendre à fabriquer ses brumes et sprays
Learn how to make your own mists and sprays

Discover how to easily make your own room spray and textile mist to perfume your interior and your fabrics.

Laboratoire pour la conception de parfums pour bougies.
The secrets of fragrances and their composition

Learn the secrets of the fragrances that enhance your DIY creations. Water-soluble, lipophilic or hydrophilic, choose according to the use for an optimal result!

Une bouteille d'huile essentielle avec une bougie : les dangers
Why You Shouldn't Use Essential Oils in Your Candles

Although essential oils seem natural and safe, they are not suitable for candles due to their potential to release CMR substances.

Stéarine végétale en billes
Using Stearin for Candles: The Benefits

Stearin is a valuable additive for creating candles, providing opacity, hardness and a longer burn. Used since the Middle Ages, today it is mainly derived from palm or coconut oil, and is RSPO certified for sustainable production.

Cire végétale en copeaux dans une cuillère en bois
Using Wax: Potential Difficulties

Learn how to overcome common challenges in making soy wax candles. Issues like frosting, moisture spots, rough surfaces, and cracks.

Cire de soja végétale en copeaux et en bloc
Soy wax reveals its secrets to you

Explore the many benefits of soy vegetable wax for making scented candles.

Bougie coulée en cire végétale à côté d'un pot de lavande
Everything you need to know about Candle Waxes - Guide

Find out everything you need to know about the different types of candle wax and their uses to make your craft creations a success.

Plan de travail avec une noix de coco remplie de cire végétale et des bougies
Learn DIY Candle Making - Guides

Discover the art of creating homemade candles, a hobby that has become very popular with the DIY movement and interior design trends.

Bouteilles de parfums pour bougies Terre de Bougies
Fragrances: Usage tips and potential risks

If your candle has excess fragrance on the surface, it may be due to the wrong temperature or an overdose of fragrance.

Plusieurs flacons de parfums Natco pour bougies
Understanding Natural Fragrances for Your Candles and Homemade Creations

Discover our new collection of 100% natural fragrances for candles and soaps, designed to respond to the growing popularity of environmentally friendly products.

Savons solides colorés réalisés grâce à la base Melt & Pour avec des brins de lavandes
Enjoy a scented solid or liquid soap

Personalizing your solid or liquid soaps with unique scents is as much fun as it is creative.

Comment incorporer mon parfum dans ma future bougie parfumée ?
How do I incorporate my perfume into my future scented candle?

To make your scented candles successful, it is essential to correctly incorporate the fragrance into your wax preparation. Use fragrances specially designed for candles and integrate them at a temperature below their flash point for optimal diffusion.

Bougies coulées dans des contenants en verre
The notes and olfactory families of candle fragrances explained

The olfactory pyramid, an essential concept for understanding the scents of your candles, fondants and soaps. This guide explains the three distinct notes of a perfume: head, heart and base, and how they are uniquely revealed in candles.

Bougie coulée dans un contenant en verre posée sur un drap entourée de brins de lavande
How to extend the burning time of a candle?

Candles create a warm atmosphere, but they often burn out too quickly. Fortunately, there are tricks to extend their life.

Bougie coulée en cire végétale à côté d'un pot de fleurs de lavande
The personalized label is essential for your candle!

To make your life easier when creating your labels, we present to you our partnership with Avery. Avery offers the creation of tailor-made CLP labels for your candles or fondants.

Plan de travail avec cire végétale et bougie parfumée
[2024] UFI declaration on your candle and wax melts labels

Towards new labeling on your perfumed creations in 2021? Don't panic, we'll explain everything to you!

Decret vente bougie gourmande 2025
Wax melts and candles… Don’t confuse them with food!

The sale of fondants and candles resembling foodstuffs is regulated by a 1992 decree in order to prevent risks to children. We explain all this to you in detail.

Bougie parfumée en pleine combustion, coulée dans un contenant métallique noir avec cire végétale dans le fond
Is candles without CLP labeling possible?

Discover how Terre de Bougies' range of 1% fragrances can multiply your production of homemade scented candles by 10, while reducing costs and preserving the olfactory effect.